An Extremely Invaluable Experience

In September 2021, LIC Europe engaged Mark to deliver a customised webinar- based sales training programme to their field-based sales team. The programme was based around LIC’s Solution Selling Process (which Mark helped to develop in 2016) and involved a series of six sales training modules delivered virtually at fortnightly intervals.

“Before we looked at doing the training there was an array of styles and everyone was kind of just off doing their own thing. The goal of the programme was to give everybody the opportunity to share what they already know, streamline our process and build capability within our people.

The team really enjoyed the sessions. The way that Mark facilitated the sessions allowed the team to be comfortable in sharing knowledge. Whether they thought the answer was right or not, it didn't matter, they all got an opportunity to participate. The sharing and the cross collaboration between the team has been invaluable, along with the leaning that’s come out of every session.

We have staff that have been in their roles for more than ten years and feel like they have a good grasp of everything that they're doing. However, each of them have said that they definitely picked up some new things. On the flip side, new staff realised quickly that it's taken the well-established guys a long time to learn all this and they are getting it front loaded now. If you have a really good sharing situation, like we did, there's lots of learnings for everybody regardless of where they are in this stage of their career.

The structure of the programme allowed me to coach to the sessions as we went. I got to see my team in front of customers using what they had learnt. It's a learning process but we definitely made progress right from the beginning of the training. Because of the way that it's set up you can implement it as you go. You don't have to wait till the end to be able to see gains.

Al- in-all, it’s been an extremely valuable experience. It wasn’t rigid and it was completely tailored towards what we wanted to achieve in our business. Everyone has really enjoyed it, were really engaged and come out of it going YAY! ... I wouldn’t hesitate to do another session with Mark and take it to the next level.”

Sally Pocock, UK Sales Manager, LIC Europe